Farewell to Evan and Welcome to Our New Co-Host

After seven years of co-hosting The Money JAR, Evan Wilson is leaving the show, but he is also leaving behind an incredible backlog of episodes and insights on how to address financial topics with kids, the value of young entrepreneurship, and the many ways that kids can prepare to enter the job market. Co-host Todd Yuzuriha and producer Alex Ward interview Evan to discover what The Money JAR has taught him and what lessons he has taken into his own life and parenting.

We also introduce a new co-host, Mindy Lockard, who has served in the past as a guest expert (#141: The Importance of Workplace Etiquette). She discusses future episode ideas and brings her expertise in work-readiness and entrepreneurship, as well as her perspective as a woman and a parent of two teenage girls, to launch a new era of The Money JAR.


Creating and Encouraging a Personal Brand